
其他考試時(shí)間、查分時(shí)間 免費(fèi)短信通知
I would like to see a soccer match. Quisiera ver un partido de fútbol. kee-SYEH-rah vehr oon pahr-TEE-doh deh FOOT-bohl
Who is playing? Quiénes juegan? KYEH-nehs HWEH-gahn?
What is the score? Cuál es la anotación? KWAHL ehs lah ah-noh-tah-SYOHN?
Who is winning? Quién gana? KYEHN GAH-nah?
Where are the best beaches? Dónde están las mejores playas? DOHN-deh ehs-TAHN lahs meh-HOH-rehs PLAH-yahs?
Is there a lifeguard? Hay un salvavidas? ahy oon sahl-vah-VEE-dahs?
We need some beach chairs. Necesitamos unas sillas de playa. neh-seh-see-TAH-mohs OO-nahs SEE-yahs deh PLAH-yah
·suntan lotion. ·loción bronceadora. ·loh-SYOHN brohn-seh-ah-DOH-rah
Is the pool outdoors? Está la piscina afuera? ehs-TAH pee-SEE-nah ah-FWEH-rah?
·indoors? ·adentro? ·ah-DEHN-troh?
·heated? ·calentada? ·kah-lehn-TAH-dah?
Can we camp here? Podemos acampar aquí? poh-DEH-mohs ah-kahm-PAHR ah-KEE?
Is there drinking water? Hay agua potable? ahy AH-gwah poh-TAH-bleh?
·showers? ·duchas? ·DOO-chahs?
Let's go to the movies. Vamos al cine. VAH-mohs ahl SEE-neh
What kind of film is it? Qué tipo de película es? keh TEE-poh deh peh-LEE-koo-lah ehs?
It's a comedy. Es una comedia. ehs OO-nah koh-MEH-dyah
·with subtitles? ·...con subtítulos? ·kohn soob-TEE-too-lohs?
·a drama. ·un drama. ·oon DRAH-mah
Is it dubbed? Está doblada? ehs-TAH doh-BLAH-dah?
I'd like to go to a play. Me gustaría ir a un drama. meh goos-tah-REE-ah eer ah oon DRAH-mah
·an opera. ·una ópera. ·OO-nah OH-peh-rah
·an operetta. ·una zarzuela. ·OO-nah sahr-SWEH-lah
I'd like an orchestra seat. Quisiera un sitio en platea. kee-SYEH-rah oon SEE-tyoh ehn plah-TEH-ah
·seats up front. ·asientos adelante. ·ah-SYEHN-tos ah-deh-LAHN-teh
Who's playing Quién actúa? kyehn ahk-TOO-ah?
·singing? ·canta? ·KAHN-tah?
·dancing? ·baila? ·BAH-ee-lah?
Why don't we go dancing tonight! Por qué no vamos a bailar esta noche! pohr keh noh VAH-mohs ah bah-ee-LAHR EHS-tah NOH-cheh
Can you suggest a good nightclub? Podría recomendar un buen club nocturno? poh-DREE-ah rreh-koh-mehn-DAHR oon bwehn kloob nohk-TOOR-noh?
Do they serve dinner? Sirven cena? SEER-vehn SEH-nah?
What kind of show do they have? Qué clase de función tienen? keh-KLAH-seh deh foon-SYOHN TYEH-nehn?
Is there a bullfight today? Hay una corrida hoy? ahy OO-nah koh-RREE-dah oy?
Where is the bullring? Dónde está la plaza de toros? DOHN-deh ehs-TAH lah PLAH-sah deh TOH-rohs?
Do you have seats in the shade? Tiene asientos en la sombra? TYEH-neh ah-SYEHN-tohs ehn lah SOHM-brah?
·sun? ·el sol? ·ehl sohl?
Bravo! ?Olé! OH-leh!