
其他考試時(shí)間、查分時(shí)間 免費(fèi)短信通知
I don't feel well.No me siento bien.noh meh SYEHN-toh byehn
I'm sick.Estoy enfermo.ehs-TOY ehn-FEHR-moh
I don't know what I have.No sé lo que tengo.noh seh loh keh TEHN-goh
I feel weak.Me siento débil.meh SYEHN-toh DEH-beel
I have a fever.Tengo fiebre.TEHN-goh FYEH-breh
I'm nauseated.Tengo náuseas.TEHN-goh NOW-seh-ahs
I have asthma.Tengo asma.TEHN-goh AHS-mah
·the flu.·una gripe.·OO-nah GREE-pah
·a headache.·dolor de cabeza.·doh-LOHR deh kah-BEH-sah
·an upset stomach·malestar en el estómago.·mah-lehs-TAHR ehn ehl ehs-TOH-mah-goh
My throat hurts.Me duele la garganta.meh DWEH-leh lah gahr-GAHN-tah
·back·la espalda.·lah ehs-PAHL-dah
·knee·la rodilla.·lah rroh-DEE-yah
Is it serious?Es serio?ehs SEH-ryoh?
Do I need a prescription?Necesito una receta?neh-seh-SEE-toh OO-nah rreh-SEH-tah?
Get me to the hospital!?Lléveme al hospital!YEH-veh-meh ahl ohs-pee-TAHL!
I was in an accident!?Tuve un accidente!TOO-veh oon ahk-see-DEHN-teh!
I cut my leg.Me corté la pierna.meh kohr-TEH lah PYEHR-nah
His ankle is broken.Tiene el tobillo roto.TYEH-nah ehl toh-BEE-yoh RROH-toh
She (he) is bleeding heavily.Está sangrando mucho.ehs-TAH sahn-GRAHN-doh MOO-choh
He's (she's) unconscious.Está inconsciente.ehs-TAH een-kohn-SYEHN-teh
I burned myself.Me quemé.meh keh-MEH
When will the doctor come?Cuándo va a venir el doctor?KWAHN-doh vah ah veh-NEER ehl dohk-TOHR?
Where is the nurse?Dónde está la enfermera?DOHN-deh ehs-TAH lah ehn-fehr-MEH-rah?
Is there a pharmacy nearby?Hay una farmacia por aquí?ahy OO-nah fahr-MAH-syah pohr ah-KEE?
I need something for a cold.Necesito algo para el resfrío.neh-seh-SEE=toh AHL-goh PAH-rah ehl rrehs-FREE-oh
I need to see a dentist.Debo ver un dentista.DEH-boh vehr oon dehn-TEES-tah
I've lost a filling.He perdido un arreglo.eh pohr-DEE-doh oon ah-RREH-gloh
Can you fill it with silver?Puede rellenármelo con plata?PWEH-deh reh-yeh-NAHR-meh-loh kohn PLAH-tah?
I've lost my glasses.He perdido mis lentes.eh pehr-DEE-doh mees LEHN-tehs
Can you replace them right away?Puede reemplazarlos ahora?PWEH-deh rrehm-plah-SAHR-lohs ah-OH-rah?
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